1. 续费价格太高
2. 没有域名的完全控制权限,例如修改ns还要联系客服等等,在代理的地方注册的域名经常有这种情况
3. 域名注册信息是别人的,这个也是代理的地方经常遇到,不过转移难度也大
4. 被备案等中国特色问题所困扰
5. 把域名集中在一个注册商方便管理
1. 解锁域名
2. 获取转移码
3. 到要转入的注册商处申请转入
4. 转入注册商会发确认邮件到你的whois邮箱,记得确认邮件,要么无法转移成功
5. 接下来就是等待原注册商批准和转移了,一般一周内就可以转移完成
6. 有些注册商在域名转出时,也会发确认邮件给域名所有者,如果确认了,很快就会转出,如果不确认就要等几天,然后自动转出,如果是拒绝了就不能转出。例如enom,如果你确认了转出,有时候当天就转移好了。
1. 新注册的域名60天之内不能转移
2. 转移域名需要在转入注册商续费一年,没有其他费用,很多注册商为了增加自己域名的保有量,会对转移续费进行优惠,低于注册价格
3. 如果一个域名是过期之后续费的,然后转移,可能会丢失在原注册商续费的一年,所以这种情况最好等下一年续费之后再转移
.la 这个后缀转移不需要续费,实际测试,注册商也没有发送确认转移的邮件就转移成功了
其他转移不需要续费的后缀还有 .AM .AC .AT.CZ .DK .GD 等。
我对ccTLD域名接触的不多,目前用过的就.la .bz .im .cc .tv .cn .co几种后缀,不清楚各个ccTLD后缀的转移政策,大家有知道的请分享下。
Dear 你的邮箱,
name.com received a request on 2011-01-18 04:28:41 for us to become the new registrar of record for the following domain name(s).
You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database.
If you are not the name.com customer who has requested this transfer, but you are the registered administrator for this domain, please forward this email to the individual who has requested the transfer to name.com so that they may proceed. By forwarding this email you will be authorizing the transfer of the domain name.
If you are the name.com customer who has requested this transfer please read the following important information about transferring your domain name:
You must agree to enter into a new Registration Agreement with us. You can review the full terms and conditions of the Agreement at http://www.name.com/registration_agreement.php
Once you have entered into the Agreement and approve the transfer, the transfer will take place within about five (5) days unless the current registrar of record denies the request.
Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs.If you do not respond within 4 days from this notice (2011-01-25 04:31:26 Mountain Time), the authorization will expire and the domain name(s) will not be transferred to us. If the authorization is allowed to expire, any fees associated with the transfer will be refunded within 5 days.
To PROCEED with the transfer, please click on the following URL:
https://www.name.com/transfers_in/accept.php?key=1448b9ftge5ygfgf0d32242a52 点击这个链接进入确认页面,需要登录。
If not already logged in, you will be asked to provide the username and password of your account. You must log into the same account that you were logged into when submitting the transfer.
To view the status of your pending transfers click on the following URL: https://www.name.com/transfers_in/view.php
To DENY the transfer, do not respond to this message.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact support@name.com. When contacting support regarding this transfer, please provide the following information:
Transfer In ID: 516366
Transfer Authorization Key: 1448b9ftge5ygfgf0d32242a52Thank You,